K0GR and W0YR “Tape Measure” Yagi Antenna Workshop Files:
“Tape Measure” Yagi antenna assembly photos (PDF)
Antenna Assembly Instructions (PDF)
New-ham presentations from K0GR:
New-ham presentations from W0YR:
Radio Buying Guidance
Introduction to Digital Modes
Introduction to APRS
On-Air and Net Operating Procedures
Coaxial Cable Basics
Other ham radio presentations from W0YR and K0GR:
SCARC club meeting presentation – ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System)
SCARC club meeting presentation – Decoding, Tracking, and Recovering Radiosondes
SCARC club meeting presentation – LiFePO4 Batteries for Amateur Radio
SCARC Field Day Academy online pre-event training
SCARC club meeting presentation – Single Board Computers
SCARC club meeting presentation – Stable Mercury 2017 COMMEX HF lessons
SCARC club meeting presentation – 3D Printing Applications for Amateur Radio
SCARC club meeting presentation – Parks On The Air “POTA”
GRARC club meeting presentation – Iowa Stable Mercury COMMEX and HF Propagation Resource Overview (with K0GR)
SCARC club meeting presentation – Getting the most out of your NanoVNA
YouTube link to a recording of the NanoVNA presentation: https://youtu.be/mWcmHucvMpE